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Can haemophilia be cured?

A cure for haemophilia has yet to be found, although current research is encouraging. Most research for a cure is based around gene therapy. Gene therapy uses genetic material - a gene, which is a piece of DNA or RNA - to treat, cure or prevent health conditions like haemophilia. You can read more about gene therapy for haemophilia on the Haemophilia Foundation Australia website - click here. For further information on a cure, check out the World Federation of Hemophilia website. In Australia the usual treatment for most children and young people with severe haemophilia is prophylaxis, where special prescription medicines are injected regularly to keep factor levels high enough to prevent or reduce bleeding from haemophilia. There are a few ways to treat bleeding from haemophilia. These include:

  • Clotting factor concentrates
  • Non-factor therapies
  • Desmopressin (DDAVP) – for mild haemophilia A
  • Tranexamic acid
  • RICE (Rest. Ice. Compression and Elevation)

For further information on treatment options visit this page on Factored In 

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Date last reviewed: 7 July 2021