
Coronavirus (COVID-19) - what you need to know

Sun 22 Mar 2020

You may be wondering what you need to know about coronavirus (COVID-19) if you have a bleeding disorder.

Where can you get the latest most reliable information?

If you have any questions about coronavirus generally, the Australian Government HealthDirect website provides accurate information that is updated regularly:
  • The HealthDirect website coronavirus/COVID-19 section
  • The HealthDirect symptom checker – which has advice specific to COVID-19
  • The HealthDirect Service Finder will list the COVID-19 respiratory centres as they are established
  • The 24-hr National Coronavirus Helpline – phone 1800 020 080
 HealthDirect has some very helpful resources if you want to download them or share them: If you have any general health or coronavius concerns
Contact your General Practitioner for advice - and phone them before you visit the clinic if you are sick or think you might have COVID-19. Do not change medications you are currently taking or begin new medications without consulting with your doctor.

What about your treatment products?

Worried about the ongoing supply of treatment products in Australia?
The National Blood Authority has contracts with suppliers in place to ensure adequate supplies of local and imported clotting factors, including national reserves and advises there is no reason to expect any threats to supply at this time.

Any concerns about treatment for your bleeding disorder or your treatment product?
Contact your HTC team in your usual way. It is recommended that you phone the HTC before turning up in person.

Also refer to advice provided by your State/Territory Health Department for specific information about where you live.

Follow the link for more information -

HFA will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates.

Submit your story to Factored In

You can also upload a video and a photo, just make sure you look over and understand ‘read me first’!


Please read this important information before you upload!

Under 18?

If you are under 18 and would like to upload a story, image or video that identifies who you are, we require your parent or guardian to send an email to stating that they give their permission for your story, image or video to be published. We have to do this for your privacy and protection. Or you parents can download this form and send it to us.

Anyone else under 18?

Also, if you are using a story, image or video that identifies someone else who is under 18, you will need to get their parents’ consent. You can ask their parents to email us at  or download this form and send it to us

Parents can simply copy and paste this into an email and fill in the blanks …
I, (parent/guardian name here) give permission for (son/daughter name here)’s story, image or video titled (put title here) to be published on I also give permission for HFA to reproduce the story/image/video in other HFA publications, reports or web site.

Identify anyone at all?

Finally, if you are using a story, image or video that identifies someone of any age, you will need their consent as well and they can provide this by emailing us at or downloading this form and send it to us.

Anyone over 18 can simply copy and paste this into an email and fill in the blanks …
I, (put name here) give permission for my story, image or video titled (put title here) to be published on I also give permission for HFA to reproduce the story/image/video in other HFA publications, reports or web site.

How can I get around this, I hear you ask? Don’t make yourself or anyone else identifiable!

This is the title of your story - get creative (don't just use your name!)

Have you used images or music?:

Security Code:

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