
Tips to Alleviate Anxiety

Mon 15 May 2023
Anxiety is a common experience for all of us, whether it stems from a specific situation, such as going to school or a job interview, or is something more ephemeral. It is your body’s natural response to stress.

Monique from Beautiful Minds, spoke with us at the HFA conference about anxiety, and how we can overcome it.

Watch her presentation where she explores wellbeing and mental health and shows some simple techniques to feel calmer and more relaxed.


What are her top tips for alleviating anxiety?


The Body Thump Technique

  1. Stand up
  2. Place one palm out
  3. Form a fist with your hand
  4. Gently thump your fist up and around your body

Face Tapping

  1. Spot pressure with your fingerprints along your face
  2. Lightly tap with your fingers


  1. Inhale through your nose
  2. Exhale through your mouth, with your lips pinched like they’re holding a straw

STOP Strategy

  • S – STOP
  • T – Take long, slow breaths out
  • O – Observe your surroundings
  • P – Proceed

54321 Activity

  • 5 things you can see
  • 4 things you can feel
  • 3 things you can hear
  • 2 things you can smell
  • 1 thing you can taste

Ice Technique

Simply hold some ice in your hand. This:
  1. Lowers your temperature
  2. Stops the adrenaline
  3. Hones your focus – it’s the only thing you can feel

Colour Walk

  • Go for a 10 minute walk around your block and count how many different colours you see

Write and Rip

  • Write down your fears and then rip them up. This gets them out of your head and onto paper.

The Calm Palm

  1. Hold one hand up
  2. With your other hand, use your pointer finger to trace your hand

Beautiful Minds also assisted us during the conference with a three-part workshop focused on mental health and wellbeing. The workshop was free to all young people aged 10-30, run by HFA with the support of an education grant provided by CSL Behring.

If you are concerned about your anxiety, please reach out to a loved one or talk to your GP.

Who else can you talk to?
There are several support agencies where you can have a chat anonymously on the phone or online, for example 

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